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Life Groups

Life is better together.

We believe we were created for community. When we're in relationship with Jesus and each other, we become who God created us to be — each member strengthening the whole body (1 Corinthians 12). We find a place to grow, encourage, and learn side-by-side. We walk with each other through ups and downs as we grow closer to Jesus. And life groups are a perfect place to experience that!

Why we do life groups.

Our mission at East Bay is to love God, love others, and make Jesus known, and we believe life groups are an important part of that. We value grace-filled community and believe it makes us better equipped to live out God's purpose for us (Acts 2:46, 4:33). Worshiping together on Sunday is important and necessary, but smaller settings – typically 5-14 people – are more equipped to foster deep relationship-building and growth. Life groups are a place to gather as believers in Jesus, wherever we are in our walk with Him, and learn from each other and lean on each other as members of this church body.

Types of life groups.

We recognize three general categories of life groups at East Bay:

Community life groups, the most common type of group, meet in homes during the week for fellowship and study.

Sunday morning life groups meet on Sunday morning during the 9 am hour, also known as Equip.

Ministry life groups meet as teams to facilitate the mission and vision of East Bay (such as the worship team or kids team).

Core components.


Each group will interact with or apply Scripture.

Prayer & care

Prayer & care will always be a part of a group's meeting.


Group members will look out for opportunities to serve.


Groups enjoy one another and grow together.


Groups will be intentional and relational in evangelism.


How many people are in a life group?

Typically, a life group will have between 5 - 14 people.

How often do life groups meet?

Groups may meet every week, every other week, or a few times a month – each group will be a little different dependent on preferences and schedules.

What kind of life groups are there?

There’s no single way to develop a life group! Life groups can form around shared interests, gender, stage of life, study topics, and even simply where you live.

What happens in community life groups?

Community life groups, which meet in homes during the week, typically last no more than an hour and a half and involve sharing what is happening in each other's lives, an interactive Bible study, and often a meal. Group members can talk as they are comfortable or they can just sit and listen.

Who leads the groups?

Life groups at East Bay are led by volunteer leaders or ministry leaders who have been trained to facilitate discussion and help members grow spiritually. We don't expect our leaders to be Bible experts, but they are very effective in helping people apply Biblical truths.

How do I join a life group?

Using the link below, browse our groups to find one that interests you and contact the group leader to ask questions and confirm when and where the group is meeting. Try it out to see if it's a good fit! Click here if you would like some assistance in finding a life group.

Get in touch

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