Covid-19 protocols
For all that is different, the most important things are the same: we love God and we love you. Let’s be sure that nothing distracts our focus from loving and worshipping Jesus Christ as we gather!
Symptom Free?
Here are some things to keep in mind as you visit our physical campus:
Cleaning crews are onsite to disinfect before and after each service.
TVs and foyer seating are available
We are encouraging social distancing (6ft)
Masks are optional but encouraged. (Masks and hand sanitizer are provided)
Protocols for
Kids & Teen Ministries
East Bay Calvary Church, while not living in a spirit of fear, is providing these precautionary protocols to encourage safety and to further our mission of MORE + BETTER DISCIPLES. These are a work in progress and adjustments will be made as necessary.
All staff and parents are asked to screen themselves before coming to church. Parents should only bring their child to church if their child successfully meets the following criteria:
• Can you verify that your child’s temperature is below 100o F?
• Has everyone in your household been free of the following symptoms for at least 24 hours? Persistent Cough, Fever, Body Aches, Nausea, Vomiting, Sore throat, Congestion, Shortness of Breath, Diarrhea, Chills, Loss of Taste or Smell.
• For the last two weeks has your family been free of close contact with anyone known to have tested positive for COVID?
Structuring of our Ministry for Safety
• Our ministries will be structured to have students in smaller groups throughout their time in the building. These smaller groups will usually not be larger than 15 people.
• Attendance will be taken for all ministries so we can have accurate records.
• Frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizers will be encouraged.
• There will be intensified cleaning and disinfecting for high touch surfaces, door handles, etc.
Face Coverings
• Children ages K-12 Grades and staff should wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when they enter the building, when they are in the hallways or other common areas of the church, and when they leave their designated ministry area to exit the building.
• When children and staff reach their designated area of ministry and are within their smaller size group, they can remove their face covering. When children do not have their face coverings on, they should do their best to social distance from each other.
• Kids and teens will wear their coverings if there is intermingling in larger groups.
• We recognize that there are medical or personal reasons that keep some from using a face covering and we respect those concerns. We leave it up to the individual to abide by this protocol and will assume those not wearing a mask are doing so for their own personal or medical reasons.
Activities and Games
Generally, activities and games will be selected that avoid close contact between people, and consideration will be given to lessen exposure to large groups of people.